Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Guns don't kill innocent people, crazy people do

Dear Isla Vista victims,

With every tragic incident comes a rush for action without taking into consideration the consequences that they hold. The recent killings in the college community of Isla Vista near the quaint campus of UC Santa Barbara is no different. Hours after a deranged lunatic took the lives of 6 people Richard Martinez, the father of one of the victims was calling on whoever would listen that “guns” along with “gun-rights proponents” were to blame for this and politicians need to act now to end violence. Mr. Martinez, while the loss of your son along with the 5 other victims is sad and I may never understand the grief you or the others affected by this are going through, I do know that banning guns or enacting stricter regulations will not bring them back or stop these things from happening again. Your logic is wrong and is fueled by the post traumatic anger of the tragic situation that unfortunately altered not only your life, but many others. Your son isn’t dead because politicians failed. Your son is dead because a psychotic individual took his life along with five other people and he would have used any means necessary to accomplish his goal. Half the victims in this tragedy were killed with a knife in their own home. This poor excuse of a human broke out the Ginsu’s and carved up his roommates before carrying out the rest of his deranged plan. If anything needs to be more rigorously regulated its wealthy white people’s ability to have children. Every time there is a senseless tragedy that involves a gun it’s some kid who was given everything in life but enough hugs and ass whooping’s to teach him right from wrong. The real question that needs to be addressed is not of stricter gun laws but of the state of common sense in this country. Elliot Rodgers posted signs and precursors to his end game on numerous websites along with his very own YouTube page. His parents even alerted local law enforcement on different occasions that he may be orchestrating this well in advance. Upon visiting his apartment the sheriffs armed with the aforementioned information quizzed him for a few minutes and then went along their way. I’m not an expert nor do watch CSI on the reg but common sense tells me that these are all signs that this dude is off and needs to be taken into custody. Acting on this would have averted everything else that followed. The bottom line is people like this are evil and will use any means necessary to accomplish these heinous acts. There are crazy people out there and no amount of medication or therapy can help them. Let’s stop blaming guns, knives, rocks, hammers, pills, TV, video games, etc. and start blaming the real problem…. The individual who is responsible. There’s that word again, for some reason all arguments always start and end with personal responsibility. How novel….

PS. Happy hump day peeps on this windy day in God’s Country. I hope you are having a marvelous one and remember….Never take that 3rd strike looking.

#Islavista #guncontrol #yesallwomen #noallmen #empireliving

Friday, May 23, 2014

Hooray it's election season!!!

Dear North State political candidates,

As I’ve found myself driving to the ranch in the early hours of the morning over the last month I have started to see a change in scenery to the landscape. I’m not talking about the almond and walnut trees gaining foliage and becoming greener as we move from spring to summer or the rice field metamorphosing from bare dirt to being covered with a shallow layer of water as the baby rice plants start to pop through the surface. No, the change I’m referring to are the political signs that are popping up at a rapid rate across the north state. From your neighbor’s front yard to empty lots on street corners across town, there is no getting away from them. Along with the streets signs come the radio and television spots which in the infancy of the campaign tout who the candidate is and rattles off their extensive resume but as it moves closer to the election turns into a hate filled 90 second blurb having nothing to do with the campaign but everything to do with one candidates hatred for the other. With all these positives it makes me wonder who doesn’t love an election year!?.....Not being a political consultant but always willing to help the current candidates along with potential voters, I wanted to lay out my version of a successful campaign and how you could possibly sway me to vote for you and it’s very simple:

1.       I don’t care if you’re a farmer, rancher, plumber, stripper (ok, maybe just a little) etc. What I do care about is how you are going to straighten this Titanic we call the state of California. Partaking in one of these professions or any other doesn’t mean you share my beliefs or that you are a fiscally responsible business person. Repeatedly saying you’re a conservative, liberal or all things in between doesn’t encourage me to vote for you, your actions do.
2.       Marketing 101: Don’t spend your money on ads geared towards a demographic that you know will more than likely vote for you. Reach out to the voter on the fence who could sway the election in your favor. Spending precious campaign dollars letting us know your feelings about “a fish the size of a French fry” doesn’t make me want to vote for you, it makes me want to go to McDonalds. Educate the public on what the Delta Smelt is and why it has a negative impact on agriculture and the billions of dollars it generates for the economy.
3.       Don’t use famous people such as Ronald Reagan in your ads. You did not know him and thus he is not endorsing you.
4.       Do not charge $1,000 and higher for someone to come meet you and learn about who you are and what you stand for. Normal people who vote can’t afford this and people like myself who can would rather put it to better use.
5.       Be honest. Simple and to the point folks.

These principles can work on the local, state and national level no matter what your political affiliation is. As the primary elections approach on June 3rd I’m going to offer an alternative to the many races....Me!  Farmer. Fiscal conservative. Honest. Funny. Drinker. Full of scandal. The one for you!……Shoot, I’m already breaking my own rules…..

PS. Happy Friday peeps on this Memorial Day weekend. Make it a great one and remember…..Vodka is Russian for I can do anything. 

#california #election2014 #empireliving