Thursday, May 19, 2016

GMO's: Not the evil that your parents told about

Dear GMO haters, 

For years now so called “experts” across the globe have spread negativity concerning GMO’s (genetically modified organisms) in our food system. Words like “Frankenfood’s” and “dangerous” have been used to describe plants of this nature. You know the experts I’m talking about. University professors with no background in agriculture and bloggers who's only experience with food is that at a grocery store. The National Academy of Sciences released a study this week to debunk these criticisms. Now I may not be as knowledgeable on the subject like a Michael Pollan (Wait a sec….I am) but when the country's most prestigious scientific group drops a 20 year study on the issue, I’m going to tend to lean towards believing what they have to say. If you shop at any given super market in the United States you have ate something that has a GMO derived crop in it. Chances are you've consumed a lot of a GMO crop. Most likely something originating from corn, soy beans or cotton (Thank you Midwest). The good news is you are not dead or dying from this nor will you be anytime in the future. The American farmer provides you with the safest, cheapest and most abundant food supply in the world. These are all good things. What he and she also affords you is CHOICE. You want to go Safeway and buy your food you can. If you want to head to your local farmers market and buy organic fruits and vegetables you can. It is a beautiful thing. Either you like it or not Mother Nature always wins. Whether it’s a weed becoming resistant to a certain herbicide or a bug that you just can’t rotate out your system. She gives and she takes away. It is the never ending cycle of life. The difference now is we have science to help us. Without the advent of modern agriculture the world would fail to sustain a population that grows exponentially more than it ever has in the history of mankind. Breakthroughs in the science of food production past, present and future will allow us to continue to feed a planet with and ever dwindling supply of precious farmland and water. Modern agricultural science is a good thing. Over the course of my lifetime I have farmed both conventionally and organic. I have seen the fruits or in my case grains of my labor be sold in stores across America. It has also been shipped in bulk too countries around the world. Hell, you could even find me hocking it at farmers markets across town at one point in time. There is no right way to farm and there is no right place to buy your food. I have said this numerous times when it comes to farming and ranching. Every niche benefits the other and the good ones learn from there neighbors. The fact that we continue to ignore in this society is we have a CHOICE on how we decide to feed ourselves and our loved ones in this country. If you don't like it, don't buy it! This logic is so elementary and simple. This is why the US food system is unparalleled throughout the world. So the next time you find yourself at Whole Foods dropping $30 on a gallon of GMO free almond milk, your local butcher shop grabbing a grass fed rib eye or the Walmart picking up a bag of Doritos, remember to smile. You are partaking in CHOICES a lot of the world doesn't get to enjoy. Plus, thank a farmer, they’ll always appreciate it…. 

PS. Happy pre-Friday peeps on this beautiful day in May. Hope you are having a good one as the weekend is not far away and remember….If the best things in life are truly free, then why am I still getting charged at the liquor store??? 

#GMOs #organic #frakenfoods #foodsystem #nationalacademyofsciences #farmer #empireliving 

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