Dear my current sickness experience,
Health and risk assessment are some topics I would like to present to you as an audience today.
Who do you believe? “Take a vaccine it’s good!”. “Don’t take a vaccine, it will kill you!” are what we are bombarded with daily based on what side of the political pendulum you fall on.
What ever happened to days of science and health? This didn’t start with a virus, it has been going on for years in our society. We are constantly being assailed with commercials and ads that tell us if we have a certain “symptom” we must take this drug or something we “suffer” from then this pill is a must all the while not paying attention to the numerous side effects that are listed in small print that could have an adverse effect on you.
Being proactive in ones health just like other parts of your life is what we as a society should be seeing versus the previously mentioned scenarios. The United States is home to one of the safest and healthiest food supplies in the world. We have an abundance of choices that can be found at any grocery store or farmers market across the country. Putting these choices into your body versus waiting for a pill to come along that is going to save you from health issues in the future is a much better option for all of us.
Feeding that immune system healthy food and working it through exercise can only help you prepare for the future. Your body is a bank that we are constantly making withdrawals from that needs to be replenished daily. Your body can give you some of the best medical advise around. Listening to it is key. When some people are sick they rush to the doctor immediately rather then letting themselves heal naturally.
Contrary to a drink or more I have always refrained from putting things unhealthy in my body, especially when it comes to medicine. I have always trusted my immune system to do what it was meant to do…Keep us healthy. Following this advise has worked for me up to this point.
Life since the dawn of our existence as humans has been about risk assessment. It is what has allowed us to thrive and become the alpha species that we are today. Some examples of this:
- “Should I attack that wholly mammoth without my spear or wait for my cave mates to come help me?”
- “ Will taking this polio shot save me from a debilitating disease in the future?”
- “Is it ok to not wear my seatbelt if I drive to the store to pick up some things?”
- Will an experimental vaccine that was created on a conservative President’s watch and pushed to us to take by the succeeding liberal President help me survive or prevent me from becoming ill?”
A month ago, after much “risk assessment” I decided to get a shot. It wasn't without great hesitation or anxiety. It was a choice that I decided to make that I viewed as for myself at the time. I trusted that it would help my immune system if I was ever unlucky enough to come into contact with a certain virus.
Fast forward eight days later and I tested positive for our government’s favorite talking point. Now I know 3/4 of my audience are going to blame what I did for this while the other applauds. A little background before any of the above mentioned happens…Seven of us were diagnosed with it, four with papers, three without. I by far have shown the least amount of problems associated with it, while others have had to make there way to the hospital for their condition.
Was the shot I received my saving grace? Was it my immune system and what i prepared it for? Tough questions indeed. I fall back to personal health and risk assessment.
With the horror stories I have learned about through reaching out to people who have had it and those who have seen the issues it has caused both short and long term I was scared into not trusting my own self defense even more. I was in a window that gave me the opportunity to have antibodies added to my system to help fight what I didn’t want to take control of my lungs or any other part of my body. I have really come to enjoy them over the years. Once again, under much research and anxiety, I decided to say yes to this treatment even though I have been doing everything right and didn’t show the symptoms that others I know were experiencing. Risk assessment…Now on day two of receiving this treatment, my body feels worse then before and almost as if I have reverted back to square one in this fight. I have been told that this is natural because my body in “fight” mode and ridding itself of what it isn’t suppose to have in it. I hope the experts are right because my regret is weighing heavy on my decisions currently.
Vaccines are good and have helped us eliminate some of the most deadliest viruses and diseases this world has ever seen. Polio, small poxes, etc. are no longer part of our vocabulary as a society because people much smarter then you and I had the ability to come up with solution for these ungodly problems. They may even help rid us of our current situation, only time will tell.
What I want to relay most is that I didn’t trust my body and immune system that I have been nurturing my entire life. I second guessed it, and have added unknown thing to it that i have spent a lifetime avoiding. Trust and risk assessment are a thin line sometimes.
This isn’t a blueprint on if you should be medicated or not. It is my personal experience on what I have went through due to the choices that I have made. In sharing this with you, I hope that it helps shed some light on this virus and some first hand knowledge on how one person has dealt with it.
Take care of and trust your body. Decisions made now in life will impact it in the future…
Ps. Thanks for following along peeps and you never know when I may get the writing bug back again and remember…Brittney is finally freed.
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