Friday, April 4, 2014

Farmers Markets: Another piece of the agricultural puzzle

Dear Farmers Markets,

Welcome to my latest installment on the diversification of agriculture in society. The topic this week is farmers markets. Agriculture wears many hats and none can be seen more prevalent than the markets that dot downtowns, parking lots and business at numerous times during the week across America. Farmers markets are another piece of the food puzzle provided to you by the farmers and ranchers who produce the cheapest and safest food supply in the world. Contrary to popular belief they are not just frequented by hippies and yuppies purchasing goods from backyard organic hobby farmers trying to do what is “right”. On any giving Thursday night or Saturday morning in Chico I can walk through our local markets and count numerous large scale farmers along with their wives and children browsing through the latest offerings in produce, meats, cheeses, flowers and numerous other agricultural related commodities. They are not just buying these products from the aforementioned “backyard organic hobby farmer” they are buying from other growers just like themselves who see the benefit and added business and income that these markets bring. Just as farmers markets can help larger growers with business and expose the local community to their operation it can be a lucrative endeavor for smaller growers. Smaller scale operations have the ability to produce many different crops over a multiple of growing seasons that are sought at by a large number of consumers. Most venders just don’t participate at one farmers market they take part in numerous markets across there given region. As I’ve continued to stress to you my audience, agriculture is often seen by the outside world with blinders on because of our own doing.  Those of us involved in the process that bring the food to your table’s everyday come from all walks of life and are as diversified as the choices we bring you. The one common factor that we share is agriculture. Farmers markets along with grocery stores large and small, CSA’s and people who raise their own food for personal consumption are all part of the complex puzzle that makes up our food basket in this country. Supporting one over the other doesn’t make you a good or bad person it makes you a consumer who is blessed with choices that most of the world doesn’t have when it comes to the food they eat. So tomorrow morning whether you head downtown to a farmers market to purchase some fresh flowers and some early spring greens or head to the grocery store to pick up a steak and some bananas, know that you are supporting all of agriculture and providing jobs and income to your community both large and small…. Enjoy!

PS. Cheers on this rainy Friday peeps. Enjoy your weekend and remember….If you’re reading this you are a fan and I am blessed because of it.

#farmersmarket #agriculture #food #empireliving

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