Dear Bill Murray,
Have you ever tried to get ahold of Bill Murray? Try his agent? Nope that didn’t work because he lacks one. Ok, I’ll call his manager. All of Hollywood’s elite pay someone to take care of their day to day affairs. What??? No manager either??? Wait….He has an 800 number that you must call to set up a meeting with him?!? Pure genius. I’m here to tell you that Bill Murray maybe the best guy on this planet. Last night as I laid on the couch still trying to shake the effects of Cabo (I hate you) it was suggested that we watch the movie “St. Vincent” starring the aforementioned movie star. This flick not only made me laugh but made me cry and in the end left a smile across my face. The credits may say otherwise but in a way Bill Murray played himself in this movie. I’m not talking about the drunk, angry old guy (well yes, drunk may fit here) what I am expressing is he’s the man on screen that will do anything to bring a smile to someone’s face. Let’s put aside what he has accomplished in his film career which include some of the most memorable roles the comedy genera has seen. From Caddy Shack and Carl Spackler (the Dali Lama) to Dr. Peter Venkman (Don’t cross the streams) along with portraying the greatest bowler this side of Woody Harrelson he has made us laugh for close to 40 years. The random acts of kindness that Mr. Murray partakes in are legendary. On a golf outing in Scotland a few years ago he befriended a college student who he met at the local watering hole and accompanied him to a party. Not wanting to be a bad guest, he washed all the dishes in the hosts sink. Yep, I could see Sean Penn doing that. While on a walk in Roosevelt Island, NY he spotted a gang of peeps playing kickball and decided that being a spectator wasn’t for him so he jumped in and played a couple games with the group. For some reason I don’t picture a lot of Hollywood’s elite participating if this same opportunity presented itself. Popping into a karaoke bar one evening to enjoy a cocktail or six he was confronted by a patron who asked if he would like to join him and his friends for some bad song choices and a couple of beers. Instead of brushing them off, he joined them for a duet and bought a round for the group. How come I don’t think this would be what happened if Beyoncé walked into that same NYC bar? The measure of a man is best shown by what he does for others to make there lives better without benefit to himself. Bill Murray exemplifies this trait. We all have had someone in our lives touch us the way the lead character “Vincent” played by the incomparable Murray did. On this Friday I challenge you to be that person, Go out of your way to make someone’s life better. Hug a loved one just because. Call your annoying mother and use more than “ok” when responding to her conversation. Buy a stranger a drink. Be Bill Murray for a brief moment and I promise you that the repercussions for your actions will be something that not only will make you smile, but will makes this world a better place….
PS. Sorry it has been so long since we have chatted. Have an amazing Friday peeps and remember…..Always make sure to thank the sidewalks for keeping you off the streets.
#Billmurray #stvincent #chive #kcco #empireliving
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